"Embrace your Shadow, Unlock your Potential and meet life with Passion, Power and Purpose”

Shadow work coaching for deeper, more authentic relationships

Book a free 30 minute call now if you’re ready to:


  • Move beyond the wounding narratives that keep you stuck in unhealthy behaviours and unfulfilling relationships
  • Embody new ways of being that help you     claim the life deep down you know is possible
  • Show up with greater clarity and confidence in all areas of your life



       Book a free 30 minute call now if you’re ready to:

  • Move beyond the wounding narratives that keep you stuck in unhealthy behaviours and unfulfilling relationships
  • Embody new ways of being that help you claim the life deep down you know is possible
  • Show up with greater clarity and confidence in all areas of your life

Discover shadow work in person, online and in groups

Ways to work with me

I offer Shadow Work Sessions in person or online. I also run an online group coaching programme for men and in-person Heart IQ events. Please see below for more information on all of these.

1:1 Shadow Work

I offer one-to-one sessions in my dedicated Shadow Work studio in Brighton. I also offer sessions online via Zoom.

Men's Bold Life Coaching

A powerful group coaching programme for men looking to raise their game and play at a higher level in all areas of their life.

Heart IQ Circles

Combining Shadow Work with the power of the Heart IQ amplified field to accelerate personal growth and awaken your potential in community.


"Since my Shadow Work session I have felt less anxious and tense, less achy in my body, more excited about the future, more happy with myself and even somewhat proud of myself. Thank you Dan for your safe navigation of me and my inner world."

- Julie, Bristol, UK

"Dan skillfully and compassionately guided me through a process that released some deep wounds, leaving me in a much healthier place internally. I now have a different relationship with many experiences from younger years and can stand in some power instead of flatness and defeat."

- Darren, Nottingham, UK

"I came at this from a business perspective and a practical outlook on life. This stuff is real and tangible in helping you clear some of the blocks and free yourself up, so you can be more effective and turn up in life, at work, relationships and with yourself much calmer, much more complete, much happier and much more effective. How cool is that?"

- Tim, Devon, UK

"Powerful, transformative and healing - Dan's live events are so good they should probably be illegal!"

- Adam, Brighton, UK

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Take the next step on your shadow work journey

Book a free 30 minute call to see how I can support you on the next stage of your journey.

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